
Not My Women’s March

womens_march_on_washingtonYesterday I watched as thousands of women descended on our Nation’s Capital for the “Women’s March on Washington.” Women were called together in unity and solidarity, as the organizers of the march claimed to recognize that the diversity and vibrancy of women is what makes our country strong. They claimed that together they would stand for all women, and that together they would represent and defend the most marginalized among us. I’ll admit this sounds pretty good, and maybe even like something I could get behind.

The march’s official website displays the following quote by late feminist Audra Lorde: “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.” The problem? Diversity is only appreciated and celebrated when it is the right kind of diversity. But what about diversity of thought? These women cannot “recognize, accept, and celebrate” that my thoughts and my beliefs are different than theirs. The hypocrisy is stunning.

I am a woman. I am pro-woman, but yesterday I did not march. I did not march because I am unapologetically pro-life, and there was no room for a pro-life woman at yesterday’s march. When an event claims to be all inclusive and representative of all women, but then refuses to partner with a pro-life feminist group (a group that is pro-woman and not pro-Trump), that event loses all credibility. Their “mission” of women’s rights is reduced only to reproductive rights and a woman’s right to an abortion. With the exclusion of the New Wave Feminists, a women’s rights march became a pro-abortion march.

Pro-life women are being told that they cannot be both pro-life and pro-woman; you cannot be a true feminist if you are not pro-choice. In my mind, being pro-woman is at the heart of my pro-life stance. I believe that choosing life is the most empowering choice a woman can make. Being pro-life means supporting the most innocent and marginalized among us; it is defending the rights of unborn women.

The women marching yesterday did not represent me. It was not my women’s march. Maybe they did not represent you either, but if you’re at all like me you may have felt like the only woman in your social circle not participating. As I scrolled through Facebook and Instagram today, I refused to listen to the voices telling me that it was impossible for me to be pro-woman because I am pro-life.

Like the Women’s March organizers, I too believe that diversity makes our country strong. But I’ll add that diversity of thought is an important part of the diversity that makes us great. After all, that is the reason those women could march yesterday and the reason that thousands more will march again on Friday in the annual March for Life. Perhaps, I’ll see you there.

3 thoughts on “Not My Women’s March

  1. Reblogged this on The Being Artemis Project and commented:
    I once said that one could be a feminist and not be supportive of abortion. Immediately, I was told all the reasons I was wrong and that feminism was about choice. I still choose not support abortion. I do not judge those who have had to make that choice, but will always encourage other options.
    Today’s Spotlight is on a blog written by a lady who I hope will be able to guest in future. It’s a different point of view on the Women’s March. One that is worth the read. ~Lisa


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